Chat-Transkript vom 30.09.2004

Henry Nickel, Chairman Republicans Abroad-Germany

Thema: US presidential elections (English chat!)

: Dhana_(pll) hat den Raum betreten
Dhana_(pll): Hallo?
Dhana_(pll): Ähm, also ich begrüße schonmal alle Zuhörer, leider bin ich derzeit ganz alleine im Chat, weder Moderator noch Gast sind da...
Dhana_(pll): Ich glaub, ich gehe mal kurz telefonieren und nachfragen ;)
Dhana_(pll): Der Organisator rJe hat leider sein Handy aus, keine Ahnung was ich da jetzt machen soll :(
: Dhana_(pll) hat den Raum verlassen
: Moderator hat den Raum betreten
Moderator: So, ich bin immernoch Dhana aber jetzt kann ich wenigstens die Antworten lesen ;)
Moderator: Frage von grand² an Henry Nickel:    "versuch doch mal bei andreas oder oli"
Moderator: Frage von Timos an Henry Nickel:    "ich bin da !!!"
Moderator: Frage von Timos an Henry Nickel:    "Dhana, wieviele leute sind denn da ?"
Moderator: Frage von cycokan an Henry Nickel:    "just wait and see"
Moderator: Frage von grand² an Henry Nickel:    "versuch doch mal bei nem anderen der redax..."
Moderator: Ok, also rMa ist in der Arbeit, dann ruf ich mal Oliver an. Bisher bin wirklich nur ich da.
Moderator: Frage von grand² an Henry Nickel:    "@timos: eine person =dhana :)"
Moderator: bis jemand anderes kommt versuche ich halt hier zu anmtworten ;)
Moderator: Frage von DoubleB an Henry Nickel:    "oder improvisiere, geh einfach als "Henry Nickel" in den Chat und Antworte nach Gutdünken"
Moderator: Frage von Timos an Henry Nickel:    "tja, typisch amis. ihrer zeit weit hinterher"
Moderator: Frage von DoubleB an Henry Nickel:    "Sonderlich komliziert sind Republikanische Antworten ja nie"
Moderator: Frage von Timos an Henry Nickel:    "ja, ich sehe es gerade @ grand"
Moderator: Frage von DoubleB an Henry Nickel:    "darfst nur nicht zeigen dass du Ahnung von Politik hast :)"
Moderator: zu nett ;-P
: Henry_Nickel hat den Raum betreten
Henry_Nickel: Finally got in
Moderator: Oh, hello, nice to meet you :)
Henry_Nickel: Henry Nickel here
Moderator: I'm very glad you came in :)
Henry_Nickel: I kept getting an Apache Server error message, you may want to look into it
Henry_Nickel: Sounds like a tough crowd here tonight, sorry folks, I tried
Moderator: I'm Daniela Rohde, the Chancelor here and I will moderate the chat untill Erlan comes :)
Moderator: perhaps you could introduce yourself a bit?
Henry_Nickel: I am the chairman of Republicans
Moderator: And you live here in Germany at the moment?
Henry_Nickel: Abroad I am in Berlin
Moderator: Jens has arrived now, I'll pass the moderation to him now ;)
Henry_Nickel: For some reason I am having some problems here, I will try my best
Moderator: And we have the first questions
Moderator: Frage von cycokan an Henry Nickel:    "Mr. Nickel, what are your exprctations for this nights tv duel?"
: Moderator hat den Raum verlassen
: Moderator hat den Raum betreten
Henry_Nickel: Well I think this is the first real opportunity for the candidates to present themselves to the American people
: Dhana_(pll) hat den Raum betreten
Moderator: Hello... sorry, I am late and had some technical problems with my internet connection. I am Jens from the dol2day staff - we've mailed together... and I will now takeover the moderation. Thanks to Dhana for her support.
Henry_Nickel: Most undecided voters (the people whol will basically decide who will become president) will most likely start making up their minds starting tonight
Dhana_(pll): Hi Jens :)
Henry_Nickel: Thus the polls we see after tonight will be a much more accurate indicator of who we might expect to win in november
Henry_Nickel: Kerry must now present a clear message, especially regarding Iraq
Henry_Nickel: This should be the position he maintains through to the election:-)
Moderator: Frage von Bösmensch an Henry Nickel:    "I thought the GOP chairman was a guy called Ed Gillespie... No, just kidding, you're of course referring to Republicans abroad... ;-) but talking about people abroad: what does the GOP do in order to help Americans abroad to register for voting?"
Henry_Nickel: Bush must begin to settle concerns that he is providing the right solution
Henry_Nickel: Republicans Abroad helps Americans with the process of registering to vote and hopefully returning their ballots on time
Henry_Nickel: It is quite a complicated process as it is different in every state and even different counties (Landkreis)
Henry_Nickel: We work with many other groups to do this (including Democrats) as we both share a concern for making sure everybody who is qualified registers and votes
Moderator: What do you think about the US method of registering voters - and as a comparison the German method, where you don't need a special registration.
Henry_Nickel: It has a lot to do with our history and the general concern of most Americans both historically and even now about giving too much authority to the federal government
Henry_Nickel: I think in Germany many more people value efficiency more than limiting the authority of the federal government
Henry_Nickel: It really is a value (states rights vs. efficiency) issue
Moderator: Perhaps you are right - and I think the Allies had good reasons to enforce this structure in Germany. ;)
Henry_Nickel: good question
Moderator: Frage von grand² an Henry Nickel:    "But they don´t help the students i think or? The Voting of them is dificult. Why? "
Henry_Nickel: As long as you meet the residency requirement (you lived in the US and in some state at some time) it doesn't matter your age or background
Moderator: Frage von grand² an Henry Nickel:    "Why couldn´t students register at their Study Place. The Municipalities say that this is not an living place. But the highest Court of Justice say it is. Where are then the Problems?"
Moderator: Frage von Bösmensch an Henry Nickel:    "Mr. Nickel, today's New York Times features an article on the secretary of state of Ohio, who seems to have issued an order to declare voter registrations invalid, if they are printed on ordinary paper - would you say that this is in line with " making sure everybody who is qualified registers and votes"?"
Henry_Nickel: Germany's system is surprisingly close to our system, one key difference is our constitution does not estaablish parties, eliminating one layer of complexity you find here
Moderator: Frage von Bösmensch an Henry Nickel:    "[additional info: they were required to be printed on postcard-thick paper...]"
Henry_Nickel: You register whereever you resided last, sort of like the anmeldbestaetigung hear
Henry_Nickel: States are free to decide the systems they wish to institute concerning elections. You can see why this is actually quite a big issue in many states
Henry_Nickel: I don't know the details concerning this, but ultimately the Secretary of State will have to find a good reason or perhaps a new job
Moderator: Frage von DoubleB an Henry Nickel:    "Regarding to a report of the German political magazine "Der Spiegel" I ask, how is it possible that so many people, especially in the Bush-State of Florida, thought that they have registered to vote and later get to know that they haven't?(mainly democrats, most of them blacks)"
Moderator: Frage von cycokan an Henry Nickel:    "I think the reason for these problems is actually not having residents registration offices, in´t it?"
Henry_Nickel: There are certain state that requirements including no past criminal record to vote this is most often the case in most states where we see this issue
Moderator: Frage von Bösmensch an Henry Nickel:    "Okay, sure, registration is a states' rights issue, I agree - but how come that there seem to be especially, humm, let's say: "odd" requirements in battleground states controlled by the GOP, just when it seems there are efforts going on to registers a lot of new people, in order to broaden the legitimacy of the vote?"
Henry_Nickel: Again states are allowed to determine there own systems and requirements in large part (Actually part of the over "Connecticut Compromise" for those political science history types
Henry_Nickel: This is what we call politics, and one the the actual reasons we have parties today in the U.S. it was primarily politics not our Constitution that motivated people to form parties in the U.S.
Moderator: I think we will have a last question to the registration process - since Henry Nickel is not responsible for these issues.
Moderator: Frage von DoubleB an Henry Nickel:    "Is it really democratic that wrongdoers are unable to vote and isn't it a bit curios that mostly blacks are wrongdoers in states where a republican makes laws?"
Henry_Nickel: It is up for the citizens of the state to decide not arbitrary politicians. This is ultimately how these laws come in to effect
Henry_Nickel: And laws can be changed if a majority of people no longer agree with the current system, this is how our democracy functions
Moderator: Frage von grand² an Henry Nickel:    "I think this is one of the most important questions: Iraq. What want G.W.Bush do there?"
Moderator: Frage von DoubleB an Henry Nickel:    "Depending Iraq: Where are the weapons of mass destruction we have seen during the UN-security Council presentation? It is incredible that Hussein can't hide his weapons while he was in power and now some "terrorists" can, isn't it?"
Henry_Nickel: I think most Democrats and Republicans along with most Americans agree that removing Saddam Hussein needed to be removed. And I think fundamentally both candidates agree on the overall strategy wich is to ultimately transfer security to Iraqis subject to freel elections and provision of resources and training
Moderator: Frage von grand² an Henry Nickel:    "Is living in Iraq more safety like forward the attack?"
Henry_Nickel: I assume you think Saddam should have remained in power, sanctions in place and brutal repression of the Iraqi People I think most Americans on both sides would disagree
Henry_Nickel: 15 out of 18 of Iraqs provences have virtually no security problems, I would say yes
Moderator: Perhaps the question is intended in regarding the situation of the "normal" people: Sure, they lived in a regime of suppression - but there weren't daily bomb attacks where little children are dying.
Moderator: Frage von DoubleB an Henry Nickel:    "Where the hell is the "security to Iraqis"? As we all can see, people are dying down there and Rumsfeld told that elections may be held later because of the troubles?!?"
Moderator: Frage von Bösmensch an Henry Nickel:    "Just wondering: If it is so consensual that Saddam had to be kicked - then why didn't George Herbert Walker Bush kick him back in 1991 already???"
Henry_Nickel: I cannot justify that statement given the brutality (millions killed over nearly three decades) I would hope you would learn the facts
Henry_Nickel: He listened to the UN
Henry_Nickel: Read UN Resolution 687 it is in black and white
Henry_Nickel: not complicated either:-)
Henry_Nickel: I would learn the facts about Iraq based on official assessments than basing perceptions on media reports (not smart)
Moderator: Frage von grand² an Henry Nickel:    "what do you think about Kerry?"
Henry_Nickel: He has no clear message yet, hoefully we will have one after tonight, he is a consumate politician and his record shows dramatic inconsistancy (the non-partisan voting record of Mr. Kerry over the past twenty Years is linked to on our website,, again try and learn from the facts not the media reports
Dhana_(pll): And will Bush now liberate other countries oppressed by a non-democratic government?
Moderator: Frage von Bösmensch an Henry Nickel:    "Mr. Nickel, today's top story on is superficially on the debate - but if you follow the link, you are directed to a page denouncing Senator Kerry as "Flipper". Do you think that this is SERIOUS campaigning?"
Moderator: Short interruption: Henry - can you stay a little bit longer? Since we had some technical problems in the beginning - and many questions still unasked? How about 15-20 minutes?
Moderator: Henry: Are you still there?
Moderator: Liebe Zuschauer - wir klären das mal eben...
Dhana_(pll): Derweils als Überbrückung kündige ich einfach mal einen anderen Chat an ;)
Dhana_(pll): Nächsten Mittwoch, den 6.10. von 18-19 Uhr kommt Michael Niedermeier, Experte vom ADAC für Verkehrspolitik und Verbraucherschutz, Verkehr und Umwelt
Moderator: So...
Dhana_(pll): Damit wollten wir einen früheren Wunsch aufgreifen :)
Moderator: Leider hat er technische Probleme und in Kürze noch einen anderen Termin... habe gerade mit Henry telefoniert.
Moderator: Vielleicht lässt sich ja noch ein zweiter Termin finden. Die gestellten Fragen habe ich auf jeden Fall gesichert.
Dhana_(pll): wäre schön wegen zweitem termin :)
Dhana_(pll): die daten für den anderen chat schicke ich dir morgen zum eintragen, ja? ;)
Dhana_(pll): Danke fürs Zulesen und bis zum PV-Chat!
: Dhana_(pll) hat den Raum verlassen
: Moderator hat den Raum verlassen